Above Grade Capabilities
- Brownfield and Greenfield Sites
- Substations and Switchyards
- Incoming and Exiting Line Construction
- Lattice and Monopole Structure Assembly
- Design Assistance/ Constructability Reviews
- Protection and Control Wiring
- Security Consulting and Installations
- Equipment and Substation Pad Grounding
- Full Scope Fiber Optic Services
- Equipment Procurement
- Engineering & Testing Services
- Site Preparation and Civil Construction

Civil Capabilities
Bruce & Merrilees offers complete civil services at all project sites, including:
- Site Grading, Fill Placement, Stoning, Construction Entrances, Substation Pads
- Site Drainage, including:
- Piping
- Retention & Detention Ponds
- Swales
- Underground Storm Water Management
- SWPPP Management:
- Inspections
- Installation of:
- Silt Fence
- Check Dams
- Filter Sock
- Complete Erosion Control Products
- Seeding and Stabilization
- Drilled Pier Foundations (Substation and T-line)
- Concrete Flat Work
- Transformer Oil Containment
- Site Survey
- Ground Grid, including all electrical connections
- Cable Trench
- Trenching and Conduit Placement
- Construction Matting Placement
- T-Line Access Roads (matting and stoned access)
- High Security Fence
- Chain-Link Fence